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4.4 ( 8784 ratings )
Geliştirici: Javed Bagha

The app comprises of:
1. The Khulasah: The Khulasah is Habib Umar bin Muhammad bin Salim bin Hafiz’s compilation of adhkar for every wayfarer. Its English translation from The Cream of Remembrance by Professor Ghoesain Mohammad is included, as well as transliteration. The Khulasa includes al-Wird al-Latif and Ratib al-Haddad.
2. The Shimmering Light (ad-Dhiya al-Lami): Mawlid by Habib Umar. English translation is included.
3. The Pure Drink (al-Sharab at-Tahur): Mawlid by Habib Umar. English translation is included.
4. Qasidah al-Burdah, Qasidah Mudhariyyah and Qasidah Muhammadiyyah (sall Allahu alayhi wa Aalihi wa sallam) by Imam Busiri. English translation of the Burdah is included.
5. Dalail al-Khayrat by Imam Jazuli
6. Simt ad-Durar (Mawlid of Habib Ali al-Habashi)
7. Mawlid Daybai
8. Mawlid Barzanji
9. Dua Khatm al-Quran al-Karim by Imam Ali Zayn al-Abidin (radhi Allahu anhu)
10. The Hadrah Badriyyah by Habib Umar bin Hafiz
11. Majma al-Lataif al-Arshiyyah by Habib Ali al-Habashi
12. Hadrah Ba Sawdan

Get the hard copy of the Cream of Remembrance:

AlKhulasa Alkhulasah khulasat Khulasoh maulid dibaie diba daibae daibai dibai dhiya dhiyahul